The most incomprehensible part of the Councillors’ Kings Forest debate was the failure of the most significant amendment of the day, by such a slim margin of only 3-4, due to the lack of support by Cr Holdom and Cr van Lieshout.
This amendment no.3 proposed a whole review of the original Kings Forest Concept Plan in light of the current koala crisis.
The amendment also requested a no dog ban, and for NSW Planning to apply the new controls of Council’s yet to be finalised Tweed Coast Koala Plan of Management.
For Cr Holdom, as the Chair of the Koala Advisory Committee, to be one of the causes of this motion failing was shocking and inexplicable. It would have got up with a majority vote if not for her. Cr van Lieshout should also hang her head in shame.
I can’t imagine why these Councillors voted as such but it is of great concern that Council’s general manager has refused me access to Councillors’ file notes on any Councillor meetings with LEDA. This is despite an automatic provision for distribution of Councillor’s file notes to fellow Councillors being a specific requirement of Council’s Code of Conduct s9.9.
Cr K Milne
Cr B Longland
PROPOSED that Council:
1. Endorses this report to form the basis of a submission to the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure in respect to the Stage 1 Project Application for Kings Forest, with the removal of the recommendation within the report stating “That the Koala Plan of Management be reviewed to ensure: (1) implementation of a complete ban on dogs within the site; and (2) provision is made to enable additional patrols and compliance by Council Rangers to police the ban”.
2. Advises the Department of Planning of its concerns as identified in the Koala Plan of Management to ensure of the continued healthy existence of koalas and consideration of the threat of resident’s dogs to the development.
3. In light of the new and dire information provided in the Tweed Coast Koala Habitat Study 2011, requests the NSW Planning Department allow for the Comprehensive Tweed Coast Koala Plan of Management to be finalised, and the Kings Forest Concept Plan be reviewed accordingly, so that current and appropriate planning controls can be applied.
Council Meeting Date: Tuesday 24 January 2012
Page 9
The Amendment 3 was Lost
FOR VOTE – Cr K Skinner, Cr K Milne, Cr B Longland
AGAINST VOTE – Cr D Holdom, Cr W Polglase, Cr P Youngblutt, Cr J van Lieshout
Cr K Milne