Cookes Road Bridge

The Armidale Dumaresq Council is proposing to replace the Cookes Road Bridge over Dumaresq Creek in East Armidale. Several years ago, a former councillor wanted to close this bridge.
Leave the bridge as is. It can still provide access to the area and beyond, even though Kirkwood Street East is very narrow. The logical solution to update the creek crossing in this area, is to build a new bridge at the northern end of Canambe Street.
Canambe Street is already a full width bitumen thoroughfare and would become a bypass for north east Armidale, linking Waterfall Way to Box Hill Drive and on to Rockvale Road.
To bypass the CBD, traffic has to go via Cookes Road and Apple Tree Hill Road, increasing traffic on an unsealed road, or go via busy Marsh Street or Taylor Street (Humpty Hump) a long way and a busy thoroughfare.
The new bridge would provide access to the MacDonald Drive area, and many houses north of Erskine Street, including a new sub division opposite and including Ken Thompson Lodge in Box Hill Drive.

Judy Tosh,

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