Strategically left out

There was no point to UNE publishing its Strategic Plan in the community newspaper (19 October 2011).
There was nothing in it for the community. Strategically left out you might say. But there was a purpose. Barber’s sole purpose was to fire a salvo of eight pages to tell (not warn) the Armidale community that he is going global with his dot com bubble whether you like it or not.
If you think it is a great idea that he has outsourced all purchasing (except for the stuff under investigation by the Independent Commission Against Corruption) to a company in Sydney, he’s outsourced the online delivery function to Pearson ‘North America’ and he’s outsourcing Armidale jobs overseas as well, then you probably enjoyed the read. Thank goodness for SLEX on the weekend and the timely reminder of how many ways there are to recycle newspaper.

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