Hands off our New England, no mining here!

In the recently released Draft Strategic Regional Land Use Plan, the NSW Government has opened the gateway for mining across Northern NSW. This plan does not identify or protect valuable agricultural land and environmentally sensitive areas. That will be left to the discretion of mining companies.
The expansion of Boggabri Coal and new mines planned at Maules Creek are the tip of the iceberg, turning our region into another Hunter Valley. Unless a miracle occurs, Coal Seam Gas mining will be in the Tablelands. The short-term money gain for a few will not compensate for our loss of food and fibre producing farms, our clean air, our unpolluted rivers, our health and our wellbeing. Economists say the huge mining industry is damaging other export industries. If we’re serious about Earth Hour we will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. There is nothing clean or green about coal or gas! I say, “Hands off our New England, No mining here”.

Rob Noonan,

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