Abbott will not stop his scorched earth tactics

Paul Fidlon has been telling us for years that the National Broadband Network would ruin the economy, cause eclipses of the sun and bring blight upon the land.
The coalition spokesman for Communications, Malcolm Turnbull, told Sky Television (30-6) that if elected, the coalition would retain the network without variation. This gives considerable comfort to sensible people.
The Liberal Party is indeed a broad church. Sadly men and women of reason are presently a minority and conservatives dwelling a few centuries ago hold sway.
Abbott has told Sky Television (29-6) that he will push for Nauru in the Refugee debate no matter what Angus Houston recommends. His policy is not designed to stop the boats, it is designed to stop Gillard. It is politics utterly.
Abbott is on record crowing that the Malaysian option would never pass the House. He demanded that it serve as a confidence motion. He lost.
Abbott will not stop his scorched earth tactics until he is ground out of politics. Clive Palmer speaks of conservative support for Abbott as reflecting Stalinism (Sky, July 1).
If Gillard can’t win, replacing Abbott with Turnbull is in all our interests and Carbon Tax Sunday would have been a good time to start.

John Bergin,

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