Down the path to destruction

Clive Palmer, mining magnate, caught the attention of the media when he trotted out documents accusing the Greens of being funded by the US Rockefeller Foundation and the CIA. I have noticed that Clive’s detractors haven’t had the courage to examine the documents from which he quoted, but continue to attack the messenger. This is the usual practice when information that isn’t “politically correct” is espoused by the politically incorrect.
Have you ever wondered where the money comes from to fund Greenpeace’s ships that go south during the whaling season to harass the Japanese? The money can’t be coming from the mum and pop supporters of Greenpeace with their five and 10 cent donations. Corporate funding has to be involved at some level.
If Clive had called for a coronial enquiry (there never was one) into the Port Arthur massacre, he would have gotten even more headlines.
Nothing will be achieved in this country until people in high places throw down the gauntlet against those who, for so long, have been leading Australia down the path to destruction.
We need more Clive Palmers.

Jay Nauss

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