Candidate Allan Mitchell

Do we really need a parking sensor system to be sown around town like some insidious minefield, the sensors and system to be procured at a cost, we are told, around a staggering $800,000, so that we can save money?
What happens, as it did in Sydney city, if motorists begin to obey the parking regulations — can we ask for our money back – will we need more sensors to catch more of our own citizens parking on their own streets and deprive them of their hard-earned cash just to feed a bad idea?  Will we set up tourist traps so that we can show our visiting guests some real Armidale hospitality and send them packing with a parking fine to remind them of their visit?
The reader might be interested to know that the origin of the “fine” is in the Latin “finis”, later the Norman English “fines” which the shire-reeve or sheriff would impose and then keep so that the matter would be “finished” and “finalised”.  Considering this to be a great idea, the Norman-French robber barons took to the idea with gusto and took the process to heights not seen since the pillaging Vikings stormed ashore and picked up everything of value, though our barons did alter the name a little and henceforth called it “finance”.  Dare we now ask if those of baronial disposition amongst us have had the same idea and have donned their gleaming armour and sallied forth on their chargers to impose fines to finance shortfalls of their own making?  If so, it would seem that the people of Armidale and any visitors to the city are considered to be just bags full of money to be dipped into any time the baronial pockets need filling.
One hour is not enough, two hours is good, but if half the parking bays are empty at the time then there is obviously no problem, and if there is no problem there is no need to respond with yet another attack on our own citizens’ pockets — our rangers have better things to do.

Allan Mitchell,
Independent Candidate for ADC

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