How to run a council

Those who are in business understand that the very survival of their business depends wholly on their ability to properly, honestly and reliably service their customers. If you don’t you’re gone.
If I behaved in my past business the way the TSC behaves in its business I would have been out of business long ago.
Council, it seems, have a policy of delay, disruption and concealment which creates gross inefficiency. Inefficiency in fact has become a culture at TSC.
People of the tweed want to see and hear things are getting done. It took well over 6 months for half of Kennedy Drive to be done and they still have half to go. They almost ran out of money repairing half of it.
And too high a proportion of rates from the Greater Tweed go to funding extravagant projects in Murwillumbah ie: the 18 Million Dollar Memorial Pool and Carpark first budgeted to costs the community 11 Million Dollars.
It’s time for a clean sweep of the old guard and a change of management culture.

Kaye Sharples – candidate
Tweed Heads

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