Vote wisely

All voters need to know two important facts before voting in Saturday’s local election. Firstly, that regardless of preference deals and notwithstanding the colourful comments on some candidate’s how-to-vote cards, voters only need to write one above the line for a Group to cast a valid vote. The power is in each individual voters pencil; you do not have to follow any candidate’s wishlist!
Secondly and of crucial importance, voters need to know that the conservative NSW government has made it lawful for the next bunch of councillors to vote in their own (or their employer’s) pecuniary interest. So before casting our votes we each must ask ourselves “will a candidate if elected use his/her vote in council to sell out Tweed shire if it makes him/her a personal profit?”
Please vote wisely on Saturday for all our futures in this beautiful shire. And remember, the seven councillors we elect will be in power for four years, barring death or dishonour.

Bruce McQueen

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