What can I say? the audacity of the current Tweed Shire Councillors is astounding!

Consider the hypocrisy of some Councillors who have recently been telling voters that if elected again they will keep rates down, and eliminate waste by cutting staff and reducing spending except for essential services.
Council last week considered a “confidential report” that proposed writing off the Confederation of Australian Motors Sport (CAMS) debt to Council of $126, 372.83 in exchange for a vague offer in a letter of intent “to host and contribute to the CARnival motoring festival and Ignition junior driver safety program in 2013.”
Only Clr Katie Milne voted against this travesty. Clr Warren Polglase decided not to vote.
Where is the return to basics “rates, roads and rubbish “ promised by Clrs Polgalse and Youngblutt?
They said that the voters would get essential services, but instead we have to pay for the privilege of hosting yet another motoring event in our shire. These are the same Councillors who lavished hundreds of thousands of ratepayer dollars supporting the unpopular Repco Rally, providing the car racers with an office in Council building and ancillary services. They need to get a grip.
The fact that this deal was kept “confidential” highlights exactly why TSC needs a change. The ratepayers may want to waste their money on worshipping the thoughtless burning of of precious fossil fuels, but they should be consulted, honestly and not ripped off in this underhanded way . They were elected to represent the community, not to give away our money in such a deceitful manner .
The outgoing Councillors voted to write off the debt in exchange for a slim promise. After the failure of the Rally to deliver profits or to support Speed on Tweed, why should we believe the hype from CAMS?
I hope that voters will bear this in mind when they vote for a new Council on 8th September. We don’t need more secret deals. We want transparent government from public officials entrusted with our money. Our community deserves Respect.

Scott Sledge
Tweed Respect candidate

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