Relocating/closing of Visitor Information Centre

I have been a guide on the Heritage Bus for several years and have, therefore, met many different people from Australia and overseas. Many of these people say they have often driven through Armidale, but felt they should visit the city to find out more. To this end, they appreciate the face to face contact offered by the Visitor Information Centre.
Our passengers include many ‘Grey Nomads’ with caravans ‘grass widows’ from the various sporting carnivals (bowls, football, soccer etc), partners or families of external students, parents, family and friends of enrolling students not to mention many overseas visitors en route to Queensland and points north. How are these people going to find NERAM? And when they do, where will they park? Not to mention the fact that NERAM is not always open.
I feel very strongly that the Visitors Information Centre in its present location fulfils a vital function in attracting visitors and potential ‘tree changers’ to this city. If we really want Armidale to prosper and progress, the VIC is essential.

Elisabeth Mcdonald,

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