Buy local and support local industry

Following on from excellent recent press on buying local and supporting local industry and business this Christmas, might I suggest another idea for anybody grappling with novel Christmas gift ideas for friends and/or relatives, especially those from outside the region:  buy them some bottled New England sunshine – buy a bottle of local wine!
It is a great gift idea, not only for the giver and receiver to enjoy, but also to help promote our fine local wine industry, which is holding its own in terms of winning awards for its quality true cool-climate high altitude wine styles. Money spent on local wines will come back to the local community, help support a local emerging industry, and help generate and keep local jobs.
You could also visit any of the great local cellar doors this Christmas period for a great day out with visiting friends and relatives, savouring local foods and wines.
Each one of us can be the region’s best ambassadors across a host of local industries such as this.

Peter Sniekers,
Business Development Manager New England
NSW Trade & Investment

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