Mary Ann Bugg/Baker/Ward died in 1867

Thunderbolt rides again! So much has been written about him recently in the press, I would suggest the ghosts of Frederick Ward and Mary Ann Bugg/Ward, his part Aboriginal wife,  still walk amongst us. And maybe for good reason until the truth one day is finally revealed, if ever it does.
For those still interested I advise they download Kali Bierens, Hons thesis, 2008, “The Captain’s Lady – Mary Ann Bugg’ from the net. Submitted to the University of Tasmania in Aboriginal Studies, and see her from an Aboriginal academic’s perspective. Follow the last chapter “Mary Ann’s last days’ where she refers to records reported at that time of the death of Mary Ann aka as Louisa Mason and Yellilong her Aboriginal name, plus other Aboriginal corroborations. Turn to page 54 particularly, and see the footnotes on it.
Fred was not unfaithful to her and appears to have been devastated by her death. Also refer to Barry Sinclair’s website “Captain Thunderbolt’ for further in depth information

Pat Lightfoot,

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