No sooner had the “independent” remuneration tribunal announced its decision to give federal parliamentarians a hefty pay rise all h@#l broke loose in the media. Folks who don’t normally call talk radio picked up their phones to complain.
This issue has concentrated the minds of the disaffected unlike any other in recent times.
Suggestions have been made that honest pollies (are there any?) should refuse to accept the pay increase. Julia hasn’t said much about it nor do we know what Rhodes Scholar Tony is thinking on this emotive issue.
They have gotten away with so much in recent times: the carbon tax, Murray River irrigation plan, “loaning’ money to the IMF to help the Greek bail out and scores of legislation put through a hung Parliament; it is business as usual.
Many of our citizens can’t pay their power bills and tens of thousands have had their power cut off. The aged are hiding in their beds to keep warm because they can’t afford heating cost. Many are living on imported junk food; their finances aren’t adequate for anything better.
The Pollies know they can get away with just about anything as they have proved it, over and over.
Isn’t it time for us to stop supporting the whole lot of them?
Jay Nauss