Armidale Dumaresq candidate

have stated openly of my desire to see the Armidale-Dumaresq region prosper through increased economic activity supportive of a healthy growth in population. The response I have received was both gratifying and encouraging, with a general theme of uneasiness with recent prominent business closures being expressed, together with the worry that our region is, at best, maintaining the status quo.
That new business has been attracted to our region is both evident and welcome; it is also proof that we have what many are looking for. These successes are a credit to those involved in the process — credit where credit is due.  We do, however, need many more success stories and those involved in the process need an increased level of support and encouragement.
One area of comment which did stand out in people’s responses was that there was the overhanging suggestion of the “big fish in a small pond” syndrome still lingering. Perhaps that could be seen as being a tad unkind but, to those who do hold that opinion, I would say that our region needs its “big fish” swimming in our pond but not to the detriment to the rest of us “small fry” who also need the space to stretch our fins. I do not suggest for a moment that a reduction of fish sizes is called for; in fact, it is blatantly evident that we need more “big fish” as well as more “small fry” and only when this is achieved will we see an increase in the size of the pond and in our share of the available water.
The Armidale-Dumaresq region is a great place to live — if elected to our Council I will continue to say so and promote the region’s prosperity. We do need to catch more fish than we have recently been able to, though – perhaps we should change our bait.
Allan Mitchell
(BAppSc, MRurSc)
A Tablelander by choice!

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