Dumaresq Dam wall

A long standing member of the ADC Floodplain committee informed me recently that this committee was in favour of removing the Dumaresq Dam wall. The member seemed to be under the illusion that the wall was made of blocks and that it would fall over like a playing card any day, causing a tremendous flood in the town.
I want to assure the Floodplain committee that the wall is made of stone with interlocking huge rocks at the base – we have photographic evidence. This wall which is actually a weir, has stood solid for 115 years, has never moved or leaked in all that time and has had a large amount of water spilling over the top during significant rain events – see our Facebook page ‘Save Dumaresq Dam’. The same committee member told me I should stick my face out of this issue. Now there’s a challenge! Bring it on!

Maria Hitchcock,
Chairman, Dumaresq Progress Association/LAG

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