In Response

I wish to respond to a letter published on 2/2/2012, and this is my only reply, regardless of what may follow from the original writer and any followers.
The letter made the statement “This amendment no 3 proposed a whole review of the original Kings Forest Concept Plan in light of the current koala crisis”.
For your information amendment no 3 was almost word for word (with the exception of 4 words removed) as amendment no 2 which was defeated on the 24/1/12.
Tweed Shire Council was and still is “a stakeholder” in this Part 3A application. Any timeframe for third party appeal/review of the concept plan has expired.
The most disconcerting aspect of this letter is the inference that I have something to hide by the way I voted, on this third amendment. Let me state categorically for your readers that this assertion by Cr Milne is way off the mark.
This attempt to infer that I have some dark reason to not vote for another almost identical amendment is farcical.
What I find the most nonsensical of the entire letter is the statement that the “Council’s general manager has refused her access to Councillor’s file notes on any Councillor meetings with LEDA”. File Notes have been supplied, and to state that these “requests” have been refused, is not factual.
To add to the “dark” conspiratorial theory Cr Milne then tries to put the icing on the cake by quoting section 9.9 of the Code of Conduct. This coming from a Councillor who said she would not adhere to the Code of Conduct and others could “bring it on” in relation to some past behaviours of Cr Milne.
I remember advising Cr Milne on the 19/1/09 “No one, and I mean No one, tells me how to vote” after she told me I should vote how she tells me to, because she got the highest group votes in 2008.
Finally, Kings Forest has its own Koala Plan of Management, and it’s a “work in progress” as far as I’m concerned. When the Koala Advisory Committee was originally formed we were all well aware that the Kings Forest site was not part of the Tweed Coast Koala Habitat Study area, due to the separate KPoM for Kings Forest. I believe that will eventually change and the Tweed will see all individual Koala PoM’s picked up and form part of a Shirewide KPoM. Just my opinion I know, however, I will be working towards that end for the betterment of the Koala’s and all residents.

Cr Dot Holdom

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