Peter Slipper

The ALP’s dallying over the alleged improper actions of Peter Slipper (Speaker of the Federal Lower House) and Craig Thomson (Federal MP for Dobell, NSW) reflected Julia Gillard’s desperation to hang on to the ALP’s one-seat majority in the Lower House for as long as possible.
In terms of a near-hung Parliament, it is right and proper for the government of the day to do so—as it is for the Opposition to bring down that government as quickly as possible: in this instance, by reason of the alleged behaviour of Mr Slipper in relation to his fitness to occupy the Chair of the Speaker of the House; of Mr Thomson, his allegedly gross misuse of a Health Services Union credit card. On Sunday, April 30—at long last! finally! ultimately! — the game was up. Julia Gillard told Mr Thomson to quit the ALP; she ordered Mr Slipper not to resume the Speakership on May 8 (Budget night).
Ms Gillard stated she did this because “a line had been crossed”. What sort of line? Because of a mysterious “shadow over Parliament”? Shadow of what? Because it was the “right thing to do”? Hardly, given the twisted ethics of the ALP. Most likely, our purblind PM was ordered by federal ALP caucus to get rid of the embarrassing Messrs Thomson and Slipper as quickly as possible. And that is what she did. Nothing to do with the dignity and integrity of Parliament. Just following commands from the gutter, just as the ALP membership always does; just as do the “independent” MPs, Windsor and Oakeshott. Just so.lll

Dr Paul Fidlon,

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