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Re Viv Forbes letter (August 2) discrediting the Greens.
In Australia, ethanol is produced from the waste generated during wheat and sugar production as well as from sorghum, and the feed stocks used have no conflict with food production.
Australian Greens Policy regarding biofuels is as follows: Agriculture and Natural Resources/Sustainable Agriculture Goals No.13: The Greens want an increase in new sustainable industries, including biofuel and bioenergy production, provided that they do not endanger food security.
Second-generation ethanol fuel production has the potential to make use of local waste materials to convert them into fuel. By turning our household and agricultural waste into fuel, landfill can be reduced. Using ethanol as an alternative to petrol can significantly reduce our reliance on finite fossil fuel.
CO2 emissions can be reduced on a whole lifecycle basis compared to the use of petrol, which means taking into account all CO2 emitted from growing crops or extracting crude, producing/refining the fuel, transporting it to market and powering the vehicle.
If you are intending to write letters discrediting the Greens, at least go to their website and check out their policies first.

Lyn Dickinson

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