Koch Centre for Youth

As Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Youth Off The Streets, I would like to thank everyone who attended the Opening Ceremony of the new Koch Centre for Youth in Macquarie Fields on Thursday the 1st of December 2011. I would especially like to thank Libby and David Koch, long time Ambassadors for Youth Off The Streets and to which the Centre has been named, the Hon Kate Ellis, Minister for Employment Participation and Child Care, the Hon Barry O’Farrell, Premier of NSW and Minister for Western Sydney, for attending the Ceremony. I would also like to thank every other person who took the time to show their support for the new Centre and for the young people of Macquarie Fields, without which this all would not have been possible.
This new Centre, which will open for use in late January next year, will be an amazing opportunity for young people to socialise, engage in positive activities, access learning and draw them away from anti-social activities which often result from boredom. The Centre has been a long time coming and it was remarkable to see the community come together to build something for the young people and the families in Macquarie Fields which now provides a safe place for them to come and access recreational and support services.
The Centre will offer state of the art classrooms and learning areas for Youth Off The Streets Eden College, recreation areas, multipurpose indoor and outdoor courts, a community garden and nursery, a recording and rehearsal studio and a home for our Aboriginal and Community Engagement Services from South Western Sydney. All the services that will be provided by our youth workers, teachers and volunteers who have been taken from the community, will be provided free of charge.
I believe that in time, the strength of community spirit and support for young people here in Macquarie Fields will set an example for communities Australia-wide, and we feel privileged to have received so much support from the community for this new development.

Father Chris Riley
Chief Executive Officer
Youth Off The Streets Ltd

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