Tony Windsor

I am impressed with the measured, thoughtful way Tony Windsor handled himself as a member of the Multi-party Committee on Climate Change. While he considers Australia, as a whole, he is passionate about rural issues.
One of the features of the proposed Clean Energy Bill is the new Land Sector package. My guess is Windsor is largely responsible for its inclusion.
The fund will support a variety of land use goals, including to:
Ӣ Increase the amount of carbon stored on the land with carbon farming initiatives, to increase our rural resilience, protect natural environments and increase farm profitability and food production
Ӣ Increase research into soil health
Ӣ Create a market for rural carbon credits based on carbon sequestration in soils and vegetation.
Ӣ Create a skills program to support green jobs and provide credible, high quality advice to farmers
Ӣ Establish, restore and protect biodiversity carbon stores with mixed species planting in areas such as wildlife corridors, wetlands, riparian zones and high conservation areas
In creating clean-energy legislation, it is important to look at the full picture.
Yes, we want to lower pollution from fossil fuel use but we also need to consider all aspects of our environment.
Thanks to those members of the committee who sponsored these measures.
For detailed information see:

Patsy Asch,

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