A new look at religion

There was a time when sex was a taboo subject and nobody mentioned it in polite company, but look at it now. At present religion is a taboo subject and is never discussed in polite company for fear of offending someone, but this need not be so. Religion is a subject that people have opinions on and should be openly discussed without fear of offending.
How many logically thinking people, in this day and age, would accept literally that a man walked on water or a virgin had a baby or a dead man rose from the grave and ascended bodily up into the sky?
While religion has a vital place in modern society and the Christian philosophy of caring for one’s fellow man is a perfect way to live, isn’t it time that we looked more closely at these early mythical embellishments to see if there is an explanation for them. I did and I was amazed at what I discovered. Many schools of thought by modern day scholars provide the simplest explanations for seemingly impossible situations described in the New Testament. For example, the legend of a holy man walking in water and feeding multitudes with two loaves goes back to 500 BC to the days of Buddha. And Shelby Spong in his book numerates at least nine other holy men who were “born of a virgin” all before Jesus was born. As far as the resurrection, there is a well documented school of thought that Jesus was rescued from the tomb and smuggled to India where he changed his name to Yuz Asaf and continued preaching. To save you the time of reading the 30 sources that I researched, I have included information from all of them in my book, “Mary’s Secret” (online) that gives real explanations for all the mythical embellishments that defy our modern day logical thinking.
I think it is time we had a new look at religion instead of treating it as a taboo subject.

Richard Grimmond,
Port Macquarie

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