Council views and values

Recent views expressed by Armidale Dumaresq Council appear to be at odds with values held by the community. Three recent examples stand out.
Christmas Trees and Magpies: At the Armidale Dumaresq Council meeting December 19, 2011, a question was asked by Cr Harrigan as to why we did not have a Christmas tree in the Mall.
David Stellar, Director of Engineering and Works, replied:
“We used to transport a pine tree from the pine forrest. That was getting very expensive and the community was not happy with Council killing a tree for Christmas celebrations.”
Trees in the pine forest are non natives and destined eventually for commercial harvesting and when was the community asked about “killing pine trees for Christmas celebrations”?
Early in Spring Council sanctioned the shooting and killing of a pair of magpies (native birds) doing no more than protecting their offspring by swooping. Surely people could wear a hat, use an umbrella for protection or change their walking route for a couple of weeks instead of blasting out of existence native wildlife that create a temporary inconvenience. Magpies are not killer birds and learn to accept people in their environment if not harassed.
Recent Flooding vs Natural Disaster: In the local news December 26, 2011, the HiCUB Project Director commented on the effect of the recent flooding we have experienced, on the many thousands of seedlings planted under the HiCUB project: “Apart from a bit of flood debris, the worst effect of the floods has been the loss of mulch in some sites. While some of this was lost in the floods most of it stayed in place”. The stakes and milk carton tree guards also stayed in place.
In contrast, Disaster Status was claimed for the temporary inundation and ADC Director of Engineering and Works claims that asphalt 100mm thick has been ripped off pavements and caused major pavement failure, all of which needs to be paid for.
I can imagine that victims of real flood disasters would feel quite angry at this. Was the pavement damage a result/part result of the $9m council infrastructure backlog?
Community Green Spaces: When enlightened town planners in the rest of the world are recognising the social and environmental benefits of green spaces ADC is looking at selling off some of the community green spaces to raise funds to address the huge roads back log it is facing.
How “rude” is this when green spaces (such as the Lynland Park Reserve) which have been donated  to the community by developers for many good reasons (apart from the fact that Council demanded it in the first place), Council now wants to sell them off to plug some of the holes in the Council coffers? Hopefully this scheme will get the same reaction from the community as closing down the Visitor Information Centre and boom gates and paid parking at the airport.

Jan Kleeman,

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