Carbon Tax

I am, thoroughly bored with all the complaining, whining, and general dissatisfaction shown by so many people about the carbon tax. No one knows that it will be a disaster, no one!
There are many other things to concern oneself about, both in Armidale and the outside world. However, I do think it is imperative that businesses in the Armidale community do not bump up their prices and blame it on the carbon tax; (I have already heard of one person who told me of a purchase, the high price of which was putatively blamed on the carbon tax). We should be much more concerned about such behaviour in our midst. We have a lot to look forward to, and for the life of me I can’t see why the carbon tax with the financial help that will follow should be seen as the ogre of all time.
Think of the GST, Mabo and other reforms that have not brought us to our knees. How will we give up our reliance on coal, gas etc without a transition period?
So, please, no more whinging.

Val Sherwell,

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