Re. Possible sale of the University of New England Printery and Bindery

It is with very real concern that members of the Armidale and District Historical Society have learnt that the University of New England is considering sale of the University of New England Printery and Bindery. This facility provides high quality services to staff and students of the University, to the general public and to many organisations in Armidale.
It is a basic essential service which should be provided by a University. The Printery is apparently capable of being financially self-sustaining (there is obviously some controversy surrounding the figures), as it must be – but, as a service provider it cannot be regarded as a necessary profit-making business within the Institution. The production of books, printed matter, pamphlets and the need for professional binding will be required for the foreseeable future and in our opinion it is important for the University to retain the machinery and expertise necessary to produce printed material.

The Committee and members of the Armidale
District Historical Society

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