Soldier killed!

Another one of our finest has given his life in the no-win futile war in Afghanistan.
This long-time serving soldier was on his SEVENTH tour of duty when he died. This unpopular war has seen more and more servicemen returned to duty there as the numbers of recruits to the ADF continues to drop. It seems to matter little to would-be recruits that they get paid handsomely to risk their lives in this long running conflict that sees no ending or solution.
I believe it is time to cut our losses and bring the troops home. Afghanistan, which has seen many invaders over the centuries, has managed to throw them all out sooner or later and not since the days of Alexander the Great has the country been subdued by foreign troops. How many more Australians have to die there before the government realises that there never can be a military solution to this conflict?

Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin

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