Jones on CSG

Let me make this clear from the start. I have never, before his stand against coal seam gas mining, supported the views of Alan Jones in anything. And I never, ever thought I would end up in his corner. Jones’ mouth is often his worst enemy. The offensive comments he made about Gillard’s father is the latest example, the result of which has caused Michael McNamara, spokesperson for the Lock the Gate Northern Rivers to remove ‘headline speaker’ Jones from the CSG rally in Murwillumbah.
This decision came about after many people on social media threatened to boycott the rally if Jones was speaking there. This split in the anti GSG ranks must have seemed like ‘manna from heaven’ to the CSG mining companies and the NSW Minister for Energy and Resources.
This coal seam gas industry threat to Australia generally and Tweed Shire in particular, where locals are concerned, is much bigger than personal prejudices, politics and having a sense of moral indignation. By splitting our ranks we are playing straight into the hands of those foreign companies that would destroy our precious lands and water for short-term profit.
We must, if our children and grandchildren are to have any real future in this great land, all stand together, shoulder to shoulder, to defend the future against this CSG behemoth. Whether we think Jones should speak at the rally, or not, shouldn’t play any part in our decision to attend. State Parliament is a long way from here so we have to speak in one loud voice to make the government hear. Please support this rally at the Murwillumbah Showground on Saturday, October 13.

Chris Degenhardt
Tweed Shire resident

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