Mistreated livestock

What a disgrace seeing our export cattle dying a slow death in Qatar who were without proper care as reported by ABC Landline September 23.
I then read in newspapers about 7000 of our sheep exported to Pakistan who were stabbed and clubbed to death and some who have been buried alive.
This proves our Government lied to the public that this would not happen and that the cruelty would stop. Even hundreds of sheep still die on board ship before they reach their destination. Our Federal MP Justine Elliot should warn the Prime Minister, Julia Gillad, that there are millions of members of the public who are disgusted with what is happening with live exports and should ban the shipping of them. We should only export boxed beef or lamb, that would give 40,000 of our meat workers back their jobs.
If our PM does not apply the ban permanently, then the public could put an end to her government at the next election.

J Gray

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