No CSG drilling

NSW is at a tipping point re the long-term future of the sustainability of our vital land and water resources and the many industries with their enormous economic values that are supported by these vital natural resources, versus short-term mining interests that are mostly foreign-owned companies with no regard/interest for our citizens or their future.
Despite irrefutable evidence of the enormity of CSG mining impacts to water/land resources and human health, both overseas and in Qld, it is to be open slather for mining companies for the short-term fix of easy money in royalties. A 26-year ban on uranium exploration has been lifted in NSW and a blind eye has long been turned to cases of severe contamination of water resources, human health impacts and land degradation of other mining activities.
Governments are the recipients of the huge royalties/taxes – they are the approval/regulatory/compliance authority. This is a massive conflict of interest and is the reason why there is no accountability and mining companies are allowed to be a law to themselves. This is confirmed by the many incidents of serious concerns/evidence raised by the community that are simply ignored.
Governments are city centric – those making decisions in our cities are not affected by the human health, water/land impacts and loss of viability of the many long-term industries in our regional/rural areas. The governments’ vision is short sighted and is blind to the fact it is our regional/rural areas that provide our food/fibre resources and that these resources require the most vital life blood of all, our natural water resources. Our regional/rural areas are vital and very much the backbone for our nation’s survival.
I recently attended a presentation by author Sharon Munroe on her book “Richland Wasteland”, which was written after she researched the impacts of CSG mining and food security in rural areas. To gather the research for this book, she travelled around Australia to see firsthand for herself the serious human health factors, water/land degradation, farmers having to walk off their land after generations, etc. The book also includes factual information re reference documents which are contrary to what mining companies and the governments are attempting to hoodwink us with. If you get the opportunity to attend a presentation of this book it is a must and I urge all the good people of our community to read this book.
We are at a critical tipping point where we, as a community, need to stand united in mass for our and many more generations’ future. A great start to mass unity is at the Murwillumbah Showgrounds 10am 13/10 for the Rock the Gate – Northern Rivers Rally.

L Smith
Tweed Heads

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