Equine ESP

I’m reading a Dick Francis novel. He’s an ex-English steeple chaise jockey who became a novelist after he retired. In this novel he talks about the mental telepathy between his main character, (a steeple chaise jockey), and the horses he rides.
This is the first time in my life I’ve ever heard any horseman, (other than myself), talk about the physic side of horsemanship. Monty Roberts, (the Yank who reckons “The Horse Whisperer” was based on him), states emphatically that there’s nothing physic about his ability with horses.
Well, I’ve got news for Monty and all the average horsemen like him, unless you can send the picture and get the picture to and from horses; you’ll never be a “breaker” in the Australian sense of the word.
It’s also a handy ability to have if you’re a greenie. It enables one to get the whole environmental picture physically. Then one isn’t confused by the rubbish and misinformation put out by those who want to preserve the status quo, or push their own unrelated vegetarian agenda.

Frank Brown

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