Time for election?

The situation regarding the leadership in Australia has gone from a Carbon Tax that has nothing to do with the carbon element to a Labor Cabinet Minister performing a mocking song for the media. From vulnerability to vaudeville. It would have been a better choice to at least have chosen the minister to sing, who was once a pop group lead singer. Mr Garrett at least excelled in that realm, and whose raison d’etre was the environment and social issues.
The situation in the business community is grim and in part due to the lack of community confidence. It was announced this week by the Tweed Mayor (Mr Barry Longland) about 40 businesses had closed at Murwillumbah, Tweed Heads and Coolangatta, are feeling the pinch and, unless inflexible landlords give a rent ‘holiday’, they will be without tenants before Christmas.
The voter- confidence has never been as low as it is at the present time. Prime Minister Gillard needs to make the ultimate sacrifice for any politician whose stocks are low—go to an election before Christmas.
Every week, we are seeing social and economic chaos: more boat people drowned, and no answers for ‘Asylum Seekers’ (except 95 per cent of them getting settled in Australia). Members of Parliament shooting through for six weeks? They really needed to stay in Canberra to get around the table and find a solution. Maybe the Greens will recant.
And jobs are being lost in the manufacturing sector; recently one of the biggest Corporate tragedies in the nation’s history. This is not the time to be telling a briquette manufacturer in Gippsland they have to upturn their industry, or threatening the livlihoods of 30,000 people and their towns in the Murray-Darling Basin. Does anyone know what happened to the cattle farmers and their lucrative exports in the Far North?
I’m not convincing anyone the Rudd/Gillard governments have bungled a lot of their policies which has cost the nation dearly. What they may need to do is to attend a business management course, but any member of parliament needs experience and the right philosophy, the true measures that can produce effective politicians.
It only needs one or two Labor members or Independents to agree we need to have another election very soon. The sooner the better. Their federal members know full-well their jobs are seriously on the line; they are hanging by the skin of their teeth with some hope the next day will be the day that will provide the rescue. A day is a long time in politics, but regular disasters make the days shorter.

Warren James
Tweed Heads

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