Nationals pre-selection process

In recent weeks there has been considerable news commentary and discussion about the Nationals pre-selection process for the Federal seat of New England.
As Chairman of the Federal Electorate Council, I would like to clarify some of the issues. When nominations are called for pre-selection, any financial member meeting the relevant criteria under the party’s Constitution and Rules is eligible to nominate. Each candidate must be nominated by a Branch.
The Electorate Council will meet approximately 28 days after the close of nominations to meet and hear the candidates, and those members who have been continually financial in the preceding six months will be eligible to vote for the person of their choice. Members are free to use their own judgement and are not directed by their branch on how to vote.
In a case where there is only one nomination, again the Electorate Council must vote to preselect or not preselect that person. It is a clear, transparent process. Any suggestion that the Nationals will or have asked any person to stand aside in favour of another is totally incorrect.
I invite all financial members to the NEFEC annual general meeting at Inverell on Saturday, June 16, where this matter will be further discussed.

Greg Kachel,

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