Heartfelt thanks

The Armidale District MS Branch would like to thank the many individuals and businesses that have opened their hearts and supported the Branch’s inaugural fundraising dinner “Help Freeze MS out of Armidale this Winter!”  Your generosity has enabled us to make a phenomenal profit of almost $15,000.  Not bad for first-timers!
We would particularly like to thank the dynamic H&H duo MC Michael Clark and auctioneer Peter Hutchinson; Liz Foster who helped from inception with planning, in addition to donating her TAWFA fashion parade; Carly Wainwright for telling it like it is as our keynote speaker; Paul Tearle from the Colour Copy Centre for doing all our printing; the Armidale Folk Museum for loaning us their precious antique garments; Jenny McFadyen from Community Mutual for accounting support; Jenny Allingham from Celebrations The Party Shop for our decorations; major sponsor Oogee Hair Studio in association with Goldwell Australia; and all the staff at the Bowlo, especially Sam for her tireless help.
Funds raised will help provide financial assistance for equipment and services, information and support to local people with MS, their families and carers within the Armidale-New England region.  The bulk of support provided will be in the form of one-off financial assistance to promote quality of life and to assist with health related crises where no other funding program is available.
The Armidale District MS Branch welcomes new members.  Carers and friends of people with MS are just as welcome to join as those with MS themselves. We also have a separate MS Support Group which meets every two months.  For information on Branch activities, please contact us on wberkley@bigpond.com. We continue to welcome donations (tax deductible if over $2) which can be sent to PO Box 4013, Armidale West 2350.

Wendy Berkley,
Armidale District MS Branch

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