Here we go again!

Barnaby Joyce on about carbon tax; can we trust anything that Barnaby Joyce says? He just follows his leader, the perennial negative would-be Prime Minister Tony Abbott. Abbott’s painful pleading with us to elect him prime minister next time is getting not just boring, but rather a pathetic spectacle. How badly he must want Julia Gillard’s job.
It is all very embarrassing to most people because all they have to offer is negativity. Barnaby, like his leader, has no answers to obvious problems such as climate change, no alternatives to the carbon tax.
What would he do if he ever was in power?
The issue is about climate change.
And here both the leader and his minions do not believe such a thing exists – despite Pacific Islands nearly going under the waves and massive lumps of Greenland’s ice sheet melting away.
It is pointless, it seems, to cite the obvious signs of effects of climate change and carbon emissions, even if the world’s most knowledgeable scientists tell us so. So come on, Barnaby, what would you do about climate change? Let us know. Don’t just parrot your leader. Tell us what you would do.
The carbon tax is not, of course, a tax – that is just Tony Abbott’s sly name for it. But who wants the truth? I, for one, am utterly sick of hearing Tony Abbott on any topic. His totally predictable comments are beyond boring.
There is a silent majority out there who, I think, feel pretty much as I do, and who do not dispute the evidence about the serious consequences of climate change and carbon emissions in particular.
And we want to know what people like Barnaby Joyce and Tony Abbott are going to do about climate change.
Finally; it is an utter untruth to say that Australia is the only country putting a price on carbon emissions.
Tell us the truth – it is not difficult to find it out from the World Wide Web and reputable publications on the topic.

Robert Walker, PhD
(Kings College, London)

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