Firing Salvos

Not a very commonly used term, but interestingly it appeared in two letters published on the same day (2 Nov 2011) in The Armidale Independent. Firstly in a letter written by Jim Maher stating that I am “firing salvos” at ADC, and in particular himself; and secondly by a “Name withheld” writer hiding behind anonymity to criticise the new UNE Strategic Plan!
Firstly, my criticisms are not particularly aimed at Jim Maher.
Secondly, I am continually objecting and criticising Council, because I am angry, extremely angry.
I am angry that Council has, for 25 years or more, accepted a road and its intersection (1.2 km from our property) as a suitable access for two properties along it and will continue to do so if we do not build a house on our property at the end of it. If we do want to build a house at the end of this same road, it is not acceptable for us. Before Council will permit us to commence building, we will have to pay approx $100,000 to address problems which Council should have addressed decades ago but did not. WHY?
I am angry that, in January, we discussed our proposed DA and building approval with council staff and were assured that everything was in order and we could expect to receive our DA in approx six weeks.
I am angry that it took more than 13 weeks and many excuses and phone calls before we received any information on our DA for which we had paid an upfront service fee of $5000 and only then, issues with the road emerged.
I am angry that we have had to live in a caravan for nine months and will have to continue to do so because of Council’s lack of due care, unreasonable demands and bureaucratic bullying that they can apply.
I am angry that we have had to spend an enormous amount of time and funds getting information which Council should have been able to supply us with and refuses to offer any assistance despite the fact that they employ, with ratepayers’ money, road engineers and planners.
I am angry that, when we took our matter to a full Council meeting, both lies and misleading facts were presented in reports which took considerable time and stress to have rectified.
I am angry that, despite expecting that we would be able to present our case to a Council meeting,  a decision had been officially recorded even before we had the chance to address Council.
I am angry that, although we have agreed to buy what now turns out to be a Crown road reserve, we must put up an $80,000 bond. Who as an individual retiree can afford this?  As part of this agreement, Council promised to work with the LPMA to expedite the process so that we could commence building, and so we began the process back in September .After many unanswered emails and telephone calls to enquire about this progress, we are finally told “LPMA is still processing 2007 applications”. So much for Council and LPMA‘s side of the agreement. Council reserves the right to keep the bond if the process is not completed in two years. Six months of those two years have now passed and we are nowhere in sight of any resolution. Hence I am angry and I “fire salvos”, but Council doesn’t give a damn. They will still draw their salaries and bonuses and not be subject to any personal financial exploitation.

Jan Kleeman,

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