In response

Surely no one could claim that Tony Windsor was an unknown quantity at the time of the last election? He had represented Tamworth in the NSW Parliament and then New England in the Federal Parliament – a total of 19 years, including a period when he held the balance of power in the State Parliament.
A very clear majority of his constituents have elected him again and again, not because he’s from a ‘conservative farming background’ but because, in addition to that, he’s thoughtful, listens carefully, investigates issues and then makes his decisions.
Party-endorsed politicians have to toe the party line, but the voters of New England have rejected the main parties’ candidates in the past and should not be surprised that an Independent is independent.
One of the key things about Tony Windsor is that he’s not about ‘image’, he’s about getting the best outcomes for the future. As J Maynard Keynes said: “When the facts change I change my mind. What do you do, sir?”

Barbara Finch,

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