Passing of the Carbon Tax

The Gillard grizzlers will get their comeuppance with the passing of the carbon tax legislation.
The pity is, opponents made little attempt to understand the legislation, preferring to mask their ignorance behind pejorative remarks about Gillard.
What did they say about Abbott’s policy of socialising the costs of carbon reduction, by inducing Industry to change practices with taxpayer funds. I suggest they made little analysis of either policy.
Socialising the costs to their constituency is the oldest conservative trick in the book.
We now have carbon trading throughout Europe including Britain.
We have it in New Zealand, Australia, British Columbia, Quebec, California and Delaware.
The Chinese are reducing coal fired power stations and most power stations in America are nuclear.
The conservative argument throughout has been lazy and uninformed.
While the conservatives promote fear, Julia will be putting money in taxpayers’ pockets.
The conservatives have under-estimated Gillard, Garnaut, The Independents and the Greens and have grossly overestimated Tony Abbott.

John Bergin,

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