Sickened by Tony

I could not stand listening to Tony Abbott last night, his speech about the budget was so misleading and full of so many lies it was simply sickening.
Mr Abbott, there may have been more people studying languages at High School 40 years ago, but to suggest that learning Latin, German or Italian will help with integrating with Asia is simply a joke.
Also the level of tax we are paying now, as a percentage of what the country earns, is lower than at any time under the Howard Government. The last time it was so low was back in the late 1970s. Your claim that we are paying too much tax is simply a lie, your own government was taxing us more.
The list just goes on and on but I wish that someone would take him to task over this. If all he can do is lie and spread fear in Australia he doesn’t deserve to be the Opposition Leader let alone be the Prime Minister.

Steve Tracey
Tweed Heads

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