We have 24-hour electricity!

I am not sure what Jarra Hicks meant when she referred to my comments ‘Scott is on the right track’ that was published in several papers in the region, not just the Independent. She states that it’s true that solar and wind do not work 24 hours a day, but nor do coal fired electricity plants!
Come on Jarra, I was up the other night doing my blogging and I still had lights and computers on at three o’clock in the morning.
Good laugh on Anthony Watts site. (USA) The lies about disastrous climate change and the need to invest in renewable energy is so flawed it is a con, believed only by the gullible.

Australian government prepares for massive climate disruption

It’s a skit but how true?
To update the present coal fired generators will cost less than wind and solar. It will cut brown coal emissions by 30 per cent. See Joanne Nova’s site for details. If the cost of updating our present coal fired electricity is less than investing in solar and wind, then why not do this? It won’t change the climate.
Wind turbines are linked with local health problems, similar to Menieres syndrome in susceptible persons with auditory problems. Let alone the fact that they kill birds, plus bats. Overseas they provide only a small percentage of overall electricity supply.
Wind turbines do not operate well in freezing weather (nor do solar panels). Unless they have extremely heavy duty OIL to keep them turning, but that doesn’t stop ice forming on their blades, that has a habit of flying off or them catching fire.
In Australia, the farms where turbines are placed receive $10,000 per annum rent. If they have 15 on their land that’s $150k income. But the electricity supply must be maintained by the main grid.

Pat Lightfoot,

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