A wave and a smile can do wonders

Thank you very much for being so generous in giving the general public special place in your interesting newspaper. You set a good example to one and all, to be appreciative of good deeds given to their fellow human beings, I love the Thumbs up Thumbs down column in particular.
Cheers of thanks to “Thumbs Down” contrib-utor who, in our last “Independent”, commented on the rude people who do not appreciate a wave or a smile when it is given in passing. It only takes seconds and costs nothing! I was delighted this morning when a coach driver gave me a big smile and a wave in passing, Thank you sir, you made my day.
I have a habit of recognising drivers as we pass each other. I would be delighted, as an old lady, to receive a smile and a wave, the pleasure would and has done, like today, stayed with me.
Some weeks ago in the shopping area, I slipped and fell. A family passing by on their way home to Glen Innes stopped without hesitation. They quickly produced an emergency kit and administered first aid to me. I was in shock and pain. The good Samaritan’s name was Linda – thank you so very much. I’ve had three trips to the doctor’s surgery where much care was given and I am slowly recovering.
Thank you Linda, you’re a treasure!

Ursula Hine,

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