Destruction of sensibility

Jay Nauss implies that he has examined Clive Palmer’s documents that evidence CIA funding of Greenpeace and The Australian Greens.
Really Jay? Please provide us readers with a copy of this “evidence”.
I worked as a Finance Director for Greenpeace for nearly 12 years in their Australian, Pacific and International operations (1998-2011) and continue to hold a position as a voting general assembly member for Greenpeace Australia Pacific.
Ironically you state of Greenpeace that their money “can’t be coming from mum and pop supporters… with their five and 10 cents donations”.
Yet, the overwhelming majority of Greenpeace funding does come from individuals (more than 95% for the audited 2010-2011 financial statements). The average donation is closer to $200 per person per year though rather than 5 or 10 cents.
Greenpeace are one of the few charities in the world who have a constitutional rule to take no funds from government or corporate entities to ensure their independence of the corporate or political influence, both perceived and real.
And with good reason.
Just a few days after making his baseless claims, Clive Palmer indicated he only made the comments to take some heat off LNP Leader Campbell Newman ahead of the Queensland election.
Jay, you say “we need more Clive Palmers”. I expect readers would welcome your reasons and evidence for this too.
It seems to me Clive’s best attributes are destruction – whether it is of the truth, sensibility, the Football Federation Australia, Bimblebox Nature Refuge or the stability of Earth’s climate.
How many readers do you think would agree that we need more of this kind of behaviour?

Adam Blakester,

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