Thanks from Legacy

Armidale Legacy, along with all Legacy Clubs throughout Australia, held its annual Appeals Week from August 31 to September  6. Whilst this is a national event, all funds raised locally are used locally to support the ongoing work of Legacy throughout the Northern Tablelands covering Walcha, Uralla, Armidale, Guyra, Glen Innes and Tenterfield districts.
Members of Armidale Legacy continue to be most grateful for the level of support and the generosity shown by the general public, businesses and organisations during the week of fundraising. This generosity resulted in the funds raised exceeding last year’s total despite the current tight economic conditions. The Appeals Week and Badge sales are their major source of income available, to fund Armidale Legacy’s support of our War Widows, children and disabled dependants and the importance of this widespread generosity cannot be underestimated – without it Armidale Legacy would not survive.
We also wish to acknowledge the tremendous support we received from the local school community. Students from The Armidale School, Armidale High School, Duval High and O’Connor Catholic College. The result achieved is in no small part attributable to the efforts of these students who presented themselves in a most professional manner and were a credit to their respective schools.
Armidale Legacy was first chartered in 1948 and has, for a period of over 60 years, cared for the dependants of deceased veterans covering all conflicts and peacekeeping missions since the Boer War.  Given the more recent unfortunate casualties in Afghanistan, the catch-cry, “don’t worry mate, I’ll look after the wife and kids”, and a Legatee’s undertaking to “keep the promise” is as relative today as it was after World War One, when Legacy was first formed.
Thank you to each and every one of you who has helped to ensure that Legatees can continue to carry out our duty of “keeping the promise”.

Graeme Andrews,

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