Carbon Tax

For the past many days we have heard much from the political leaders concerning the carbon tax. The PM is stomping the country telling us that we need to save the planet and the carbon tax is the way FORWARD; her favorite word. She should be commended for having the courage to get out there and meet the people and sometimes they have given her a roasting; calling her a liar for what she said SIX days before the last election.
Tony is equally as passionate in his opposition to the tax. He keeps telling us how bad the tax will be for Australia. However, for some reason, he who once referred to global warming as a load of “crap” refuses to quote the 100s of scientists that scientifically refute the theory of manmade global warming.
The to-ing and fro-ing of the politicians will lead the populace to be more confused than ever and in a few short weeks, we will have heard enough of carbon taxes and return to the ‘ball games’ for some sanity.
No doubt we will be saddled with a carbon tax, to the financial determent of us all. It is a done deal as it has been decided by those in high places that a carbon tax is what we will have to fund the new order of the ages that has been decided for us, and not by democratic means.

Jay Nauss, Glen Aplin

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