Come clean

Geoff Provest and Barry O’Farrell need to come clean about what they are doing to our State.
This is the second of their budgets and so far they have done the reverse of everything they promised. They promised that home ownership would remain feasible and yet yesterday they cut the first home buyers’ grant to everyone who can’t afford a brand new house. They promised to put more resources into frontline government services and yet they have sacked 15,000 workers.
And here Geoff Provest promised a homeless shelter for Tweed, a High School at Pottsville, and what has he delivered? Re-announcements of the same money he announced last year and money for a Police Station at Kingscliff which will rip the heart out of policing in Tweed Heads.
Geoff Provest and Barry O’Farrell need to explain the difference and, if they can’t, are we, the public, meant to assume that the Liberal and National parties will do the reverse of what they promise? Does this mean that we should assume that Geoff Provest is really 0 per cent for Tweed.

Steve Tracey
Tweed Heads

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