Kids have it easy

Gina Rinehart, Australia’s richest woman, is having a grand time with the soap opera conflict with her children. They want a bigger share of Gina’s economic pie.
Seems to me they have done quite well from Mummy’s billions: private education, nice homes, fancy overseas vacations and all the indulgences of the rich. But still they aren’t satisfied. I wonder how they would like to have started life with the few possessions of their Grandfather who made the “gold” they now share.
It is said that today’s children get things too easy, no matter who their family is. There are layabouts in a lot of families and many youth are running wild in the streets, completely out of control. Spoilt children are a national phenomena, not restricted to the rich.
It is high time that the children of the rich [like Gina’s] get out and do their bit to earn a living and stop bludging on rich parents. The same advice should be given to the urchins, which come from lesser-well-to-do families and get out from under the welfare net and make their own way in life.
The spoilt brats of all classes should get a life and get over thinking that they are entitled to have someone else pay their way.

Jay Nauss

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