Anthony Hardwick – candidate

Having lived in the Armidale community for over a decade and had dealings with the Council in many issues as a ratepayer and senior citizen. I decided to offer my wide experience to the community as a candidate for the upcoming Armidale Dumaresq Council elections. There is great potential for Armidale.
I started my hours of time here in dealings with the Queensland, NSW and Commonwealth Governments to open up a transport corridor which was built before federation, at great expense to the Colonies.
I had hoped to get John Howard on board. This is the Great Northern Line. Council must improve freight access to Armidale if we want to attract business. Thirty years ago we had direct access to Brisbane, now only by car or bus.
Everything now costs more because of high freight costs.
Council must be run as a business, not politics. Customers are the ratepayers. How can we help you? should be the attitude, not; It cannot be done!  Why? Staff should be proactive! Not call in consultants every time there is a problem.
The Local government Act is flexible and the minister and Parliament is flexible.
What our problems are here in Armidale are quite different to other regions of the state. Councillors should act as a Board of Directors and make decisions by consensus and stick to them. Not be told by the staff what they can do!
Roads, footpaths, bridges drainage, should be main-tained and the rural areas should get more maintenance done on the roads. Money can be saved by tight controls and lack of waste in travelling times to work.
I have spent a lifetime as a leading Chartered Accountant, both here in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. I have had dealings with people in many walks of life in public finance, economic decisions and chairmen of companies, public meetings, hospital administration and primary produces in later years, plus cattle stud breeder.

Anthony Hardwick FC
Independent Candidate
“Chillcotts Grass”
Kellys Plains

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