James Ellis – candidate

I note the concern that Susan Dunn has raised about political parties running in the local government elections. However I would like to present to her a bit of reality.
Out of the ten councillors, four are members of political parties, and at least another two, I believe, have strong ties to a political party. Out of the four that are members, only two have been up front about being party members by being endorsed candidates of their parties. Interesting to note isn’t it?
As a Liberal team, we have formed all our own policy, what we focus on and how we campaign. The Party office in Sydney quite frankly, could not care less and certainly aren’t going to be directing us (if elected) on how to vote on a DA.
The benefit of our Liberal Endorsed team is that we have a strong network of access to other levels of government which affect our city. As Liberals, we would have access to state ministers that we would otherwise not have enjoyed.
In a “community like ours” wouldn’t we want these types of networks to better our community?
Just because we are endorsed, doesn’t mean we will have the issues exampled in the current political scene federally. I urge you all to look at the people we have running. Group C — Liberal has five fantastic people running who care for our community and want to bring their variety of skills to better our community — one I am proud to be a part of.
So on September 8, give us a go — Vote 1 Group C — Liberal.

James Ellis,
Endorsed Liberal Candidate
Armidale Dumaresq Council Elections

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