Great relief

Last week’s letter from Louise Korff and your article ‘Servies would honour community charter’ underline how important the future of the Belgrave Cinema is to the Armidale community.
It was a great relief to read that the CEO of the Ex-Services Club has pledged his support publicly to the Member for Northern Tablelands, Richard Torbay, for all kinds of movie goers, if his organisation is successful in its tender to take over the running of the cinema.
Those of us who bring the International Film Festival to our cinema annually (and I know this to be true also of the initiators of the New York Metropolitan Opera and the London National Theatre screenings) are more than willing to work with Bob Ryan to ensure that these cultural events, amongst others, are preserved. Without them, our community would be greatly impoverished. So let’s hope, with Louise Korff, that the future of the Belgrave Cinema will be a very positive development. Indeed, who knows? If it is to be incorporated into the lavish new building proposed by the Servies, we might even end up with a third screen, a bar and a comfortable lounge for us all to enjoy. This would enable more movies to be screened here to everybody’s satisfaction and bring more people to our unique city.

Hilary Hutchinson, Linda Hess, Caroline Downer and Martina Linnemann
The IFF Organising
Committee, Armidale

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