Feminist takeover

In Australia we have our Welsh-born Prime Minister Julia Gillard who a lot of us find quite difficult to relate to. She promised many times not to oppose Kevin Rudd, then turned on him with secret meetings involving various ‘Romans’; at around midnight in the Capital, just over a year ago. In fact, he was politically assassinated.
We can legitimately ask, after that terrible event, whether her leading membership of the militant feminist organisation: Emily’s List had anything to do it–and we do know the answer. Her recent increase of female members of her Cabinet to five (5) members caused no small pain for the male Cabinet members who were dumped. It was the fulfillment of Phase 2 programme of Emily’s List which now has over 90 (feminist) members, who are members of Parliament.
We are now seeing gender bias written large on the political landscape. The hypocrisy in all of this is that the femmocrats have been literally bleating about their ‘rights’ –as if they had an automatic entre to the halls of leadership of this nation.
But the Romish brutality of Julia Gillard as our assassinating femme fatale  is not unusual in the history of female leaderships. Brutal? Women can be viscious? Recall Mary Tudor (Queen Mary 1) known as ‘Bloody Mary’ who had 300 Protestants burnt at the stake; and the Catholic wives of Charles 1 and James 2 in the 17th Century who encouraged their Royal husbands to administer harsh measures. Elizabeth 1 was hardly a gentlewoman towards her enemies, Sir Walter Rayleigh on the other hand was not her enemy even if he was not discreet with one of her staff. He was incarcerated in the notorious Tower of London.
In the 20th Century Margaret Thatcher (derisively known as ‘Atilla the Hen’ and the ‘Iron Lady’) sent a lot of British soldiers to their deaths during the Falklands War to protect the Islands from the invasion of the Argentina’s General Gattileri from taking possession.  Later, the Pakistani: Banadir Bhutto (who was educated at Oxford University and highly intelligent, succeeded her Father as the President of Pakistan, and she  had a brutal record as the President of which little  has been published (it may have surely resulted in her assassination.)
Australians are not happy about what happened at the Canberra ‘forum’ with Cassius and Co and Julia as our very own Brutus. She stabbed in the back the man who got her into government and the leadership in the first place.

Warren James

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