Diary disappoints

I am the Secretary of the Tweed Coast Garden Association Inc. When the “Tweed Coast Weekly” was introduced (presumably a split from the Tweed Valley Weekly, although you do seem to share much) our members were pleased. Mainly for the better setup and size, but also because it implied a service for the coastal region.
However, there is one area where we have been greatly disappointed, and that is your lack of support for the Community Diary. Like many other Community Groups, we rely on this sort of publication for our continued success and to relay to our members and to the public, information regarding our meetings and events.
We understand that for you to remain viable your space must give priority to your paying clients, but it is also important to provide a service to your readers (such as your TV program and Letters to the Editor) but without readers, the advertisements won’t mean much.
There are many Community Groups within the Tweed, particularly on the Coast and they depend on publications such as yours for support, so that they in turn can support you.
Please consider giving a higher priority to a substantial input to a Community Diary.

Dennis Parker,
Tweed Coast Garden
Association Inc

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